Salt Lake City, Utah 1983

The California College of The Arts 2001-2005

One and Two Person Exhibitions

2012 Mollusk Gallery, "Blown Out," San Francisco, Ca
2011 Triple Base Gallery, “The Optimist Gene”, San Francisco, Ca
2010 Triple Base Gallery, “The Friends and Neighbors effect,” San Francisco, Ca
2009 Triple Base Gallery, “Mirror and Mirror,” San Francisco, Ca
2008 Co-Lab, “Back Again and Back Again,” Copenhagen, Denmark
2007 Jace Gace, “The Moment Still, Recent Drawings,” Portland, Or
2007 Kayo Gallery, "The Viewing: Central and Remote,” Salt Lake City, Ut
2007 Triple Base Gallery, “Double Blind,” San Francisco, Ca
2006 Storm the Tower, “Recent Works,” Monterey, Ca
2006 Space 868, “New Work,” Bolinas, Ca
2005 Kayo Gallery, “In The Wake of a Comet,” Salt Lake City, Ut
2005 Isabelle Percy West Gallery, “Faceless and in Color,” Oakland, Ca
2005 Melting Point Gallery, “Recent Works,” San Francisco, Ca
2005 Café Cacao, “New Paintings,” Berkeley, Ca
2002 The Center Gallery (CCA), “Wall Drawings,” Oakland, Ca

Group Exhibitions
2011 Mark Wolfe Contemporary Art, “Reconfigured,” San Francisco, Ca
2011 Triple Base Gallery, “Wild Combinations,” San Francisco, Ca
2010 Oliver Art Center, “Alluring Subversions,” Oakland,Ca
2010 Garfo Art Center, “Friends of Friends,” Salt Lake City, Ut
2010 Baer Ridgway Exhibitions, “Paper Awesome,” San Francisco, Ca
2010 Garfo Art Center, “Friends of Friends,” Salt Lake City, Ut
2009 Galerie Davide Di Maggio, “Close to Home,” Milan, Italy
2009 Galleri Kant, “Big Bang,” Espen, Denmark
2009 Pool Art Center, “Berlin, poor but sexy,” Springfield, Mo
2009 Copenhagen Alternative Artfair (with Co-Lab), “Black,” Copenhagen, Denmark
2009 Park Life, “ Drawing Club,” San Francisco, Ca
2008 Mahan Gallery, “^^^^: The Allegory of the Mountain,” Columbus, Oh
2008 Co-Lab, “Happy New Year,” Copenhagen, Denmark
2007 Co-Lab, “Cali in CPH,” Copenhagen, Denmark
2007 Triple Base Gallery, “Graphology,” San Francisco, Ca
2006 OnSix Gallery, “Futuristic/Fantastic,” San Francisco, Ca
2006 Kayo Gallery, “Round Two,” Salt Lake City, Ut
2006 Headlands Center for the Arts, “Close Calls,” Marin, Ca
2005 Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, “2005 SVMA Biennial,” Sonoma, Ca
2005 Atlas Café, Untitled Group Show, San Francisco, Ca
2005 Red Ink Studios, “Championship Lovemaking,” San Francisco, Ca
2005 Boontling Gallery, “Overhung,” Oakland, Ca
2005 Dalva, “Very Crucial Creations,” San Francisco, Ca
2004 Magnolia Gallery, “Did You Know That Dave Muller is in the Whitney Biennial?” Oakland, Ca
2003 North Gallery (CCA), “All College Honors,” Oakland, Ca

Halle 14 – Stiftung Federkiel: Baumwollspinnerei (Cotton Spinning Mill) Leipzig, Germany 2006

Selected Publications
2011 Stephen Cummings, Review of "The Optimist Gene," GoSeeArt, December 
2011 Kimberly Chun, review of “The Optimistic Gene,” SF Chronicle, December 
2010 Kenneth Baker, review of “The Friends and Neighbors Effect,” SF Chronicle, January
2010 Elizabeth Johnson, review of “The Friends and Neighbors Effect,” Art Practical #8, February 
2007 Ava Jancar, Review of “Double Blind,” SF Guardian, September
2007 Isaac Amala, Review of “Double Blind,”, September
2006 Spinnerei Report 2006, Artist section pg. 26, January
2005 ArtSpeak SLC, Vol. 1 No. 4, pg. 3, 6, 7, “Don’t Miss…” 10, October

Second Place, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art Biennial, 2005
Robert Ralls Memorial Scholarship, 2003

All College Honors, 2003