Objects off the shelf
Random things
Things that sit on shelves
Somehow between fusing brass and plastering orbs, these things came to be.
Though the brass alone would sit just fine on a shelf.
In the studio
Playing around with new props.
CCA artist studio series
I had a visit with some folks at CCA for their publication GLANCE.
There's a slew of images here
Studio visit with photographer Thomas Kouh
Thomas is a photographer in the Bay Area whom I see around on set from time to time. After a nice chat and hang in the studio he took some beautiful images of the collateral mess that is my studio.
See more on his website
Mollusk Show
Mollusk Surf Shop in San Francisco is pleased to present Blown Out -- an exhibition of new work by San Francisco-based artist Bryson Gill -- from Sept 13 - October 14, 2012. This will be Gill’s first solo show in Mollusk’s gallery.
In the early days of Mollusk, Gill spent weekends making drawings in the shop’s turret during the day and cozying up with friends on the floor at night to watch Twin Peaks from a TV mounted in the tree house above. Though you’d never guess (until this show), the Mollusk community has always had a creative influence on Gill’s artwork and lifestyle.
For this exhibition, Gill will hang a series of surf and nautical inspired trompe l'oeil paintings and bleach drawings. The works all begin with the reductive process of bleaching out pigments on linen. In some works, Gill cuts and sews the pieces of linen into a richly textured surface that he uses as a groundwork for a contemporary version of a 15th century classic - the trompe l'oeil.